I got a call and the caller sounded frantic. Normally, he is a very composed person and an extremely efficient store keeper. He explained to me that there was an inventory audit going on and the auditor was refusing to believe that the material shown matched its description. Not only that, he was threatening to report the matter to the higher ups. Ah, that was serious.
I walked over to the store and found that I knew the auditor because he had audited the inventory of equipment in my department - Quality Assurance, the previous year.
After the initial pleasantries, I asked him what the problem was. He became serious again and told me that the storekeeper was showing some tiny little stuff as potentiometers. I looked at what was offered and said that they were indeed potentiometers. He looked puzzled and asked me, "Then where is the pointer? Don't all meters have pointers?"
---- J.L.Anil Kumar