Sunday, May 21, 2006

About Electrical Anecdotes

As compared to the other branches of engineering such as civil, mechanical, chemical etc., the electrical engineering abounds in abstract/invisible entities like current, flux, power factor, reactive power, charge and so on. This makes their study more frustrating or more fascinating depending on how we were taught! In the initial years of my engineering study, when we were required to study basics of all engineering streams, the electrical subject was voted as most difficult by the students.

However, the point I am now putting forth is, that the testing and commissioning of the electrical systems is more challenging and complex because one cannot see and visualize the happenings as in case of say civil or mechanical engineering projects. Try explaining to a non-electrical person that some electrical actuator operated on its own due to a stray pick-up.

The unique and peculiar nature of this field has led to sometimes amusing situations in the course of my practice. I am sure, many of us would have come across puzzling and intriguing situations and successfully got over it. Therefore it struck me that it would be great to create a forum where fellow professionals can share such anecdotes/experiences. Apart from being interesting, it could prove useful too!

I welcome you to go ahead and start mailing your experiences in brief to me at, and I will post it on this web site.


Anonymous said...

This is a very good idea! Looking forward to reading many interesting incidents!

Anonymous said...

dear sir

it is good that a person from bangalore is starting something intresting in power system.As you correctly said our branch in no dought asbtract.

jai hind

Anonymous said...

This is good idea of having exclusive electrical engineering blog.I hope many of us with professional experince will share their exprinces.
Sanjay Ghatpande